Find a complete copy of the Constitution and By-Laws of the Ontario Cavy Club (OCC) here:
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CONSTITUTION OF THE ONTARIO CAVY CLUB Effective January 1, 2025.pdf Size : 165.967 Kb Type : pdf |
(A) To unite all persons interested in the study, breeding and showing of cavies.
(B) To promote interest in the study and breeding of cavies.
(C) To establish and recognize breeds and varieties of cavies and standards with respect thereto.
(D) To encourage, hold and sponsor showings and exhibitions and to hold conferences, meetings,
discussions and demonstrations for discussion and exchange of information.
(E) To institute studies, inquiries and programs of research and to produce and provide
information of interest to other members respecting cavies.
(F) To co-operate, collaborate and affiliate with and to assist other clubs and organizations
having objectives in whole or in part similar to those of the club.
(G) To collect and receive moneys by way of fees, donations, gifts, legacies, devises and
bequests otherwise, and to hold, invest, expend or deal with the same in furtherance of the
objectives club.
BY-LAWS OF THE ONTARIO CAVY CLUB (Revised Edition - January 1, 2015)
These By-Laws were established and approved by the membership to provide the rules and regulations by which the club will conduct its affairs. They are administered by the Board of Directors under the guidance of the By-Law Committee.
Membership will be open to all persons interested in the club's purposes as outlined in the
• Annual dues shall be reviewed at the Annual General Meeting.
• Any proposed changes must be approved by the eligible voters present at this meeting.
• Membership privileges expire if renewal dues or any monies owed to the club for other reasons
are not paid within 60 days of the due date.
• The Ontario Cavy Club requires that its members behave with respect and act in a positive,
supportive manner to their animals, fellow members and the general public who attend events or
participate in online discussions on club-run web pages or social media accounts. The Ontario
Cavy Club does not tolerate harassment, abuse or slander of any kind. This includes but is not
limited to verbal, written, electronic communications and social media. In the event of a member demonstrating inappropriate behaviour, the Ontario Cavy Club board has
the authority to put the member on probation for a first offense or terminate a membership in the
event of blatant or repeat behaviour in direct conflict of the code of conduct. The board will require
any material that is pertinent to the complaint including but not limited to emails, messages,
recordings and any other proof of misconduct. The board will try to protect the identity of any
parties involved in the complaint. The board has the right to warn, suspend a member or terminate a
membership as the result of a complaint or in the case of a member repeatedly violating the code of
conduct. If any member becomes banned, he or she is not permitted to partake in any club function
including shows (entries will be denied), Ontario Cavy Club run social gatherings and banquets. He
or she is refrained from participating in any online web pages or social media operated by the
Ontario Cavy Club.
Submission of Member Application or Member Renewal is considered acknowledgement of this
code and intention to comply .
Should a member wish to file a complaint against another OCC member, a $50 fee must accompany the complaint. Fee will be returned to complainant if charges are founded or board fails to reach a decision on complaint. If charges are unfounded the $50 remains in the club and is forfeited by the complainant.
i. Life Membership - given to members of the Ontario Cavy Club Hall of Fame (See By-Law 8 -
Ontario Cavy Club Special Awards). Life members are entitled to 1 vote.
ii. Youth Membership - a non voting membership for persons under the age of 18 as at the date of
joining or renewal.
iii. Adult Membership - a voting membership open to persons 18 years of age or over as at the
date of joining or renewal. Adult Members are entitled to 1 vote.
iv. Family Membership - a voting membership for a family which is defined as 2 or more
persons living within the same household. Family Memberships
receive 2 votes.
The Board shall be composed of 5 Directors
The Director positions are President, Vice-President, Secretary Treasurer, Publications
Chairperson and Show Chairperson.
Any Adult Member, or any person 18 years of age or over in a Family Membership or any Life
Member 18 years of age or over is eligible to hold an Officer or Director position providing he/she
has been a member of the Ontario Cavy Club Inc. for at least 2 years as at September 1st in the
year that the Board elections are held.
Any Officer or Director who misses 3 consecutive meetings (General or Board) shall have
automatically resigned his/her position unless the reason(s) for absence are accepted by the
Board following the third consecutively missed meeting.
• conduct the business of the club
• acquire a sound knowledge of the objectives of the club and of club By-Laws.
• ensure that the By-Laws provisions are upheld
• All Directors will attend all shows if possible. Any officer or Director unable to attend a show or meet
ing has the responsibility to ensure that that
any items, equipment, prizes or supplies that are required by their position are taken to the show or
General - sign cheques to pay the bills of the club and conduct the financial affairs of the club
• Direct and co-ordinate all club activities. Preside at General and Directors Meetings;
• Be a member of all club Committees for direction and guidance only. Only has voice and
vote in the event of a tie;
• Fulfil responsibilities assigned to the position by the Club By-Laws.
• Perform duties of the President in his/her absence.
• Fulfil duties assigned by the President or by the Board
Secretary Treasurer
• Ensure that all proceedings at General and Directors' meetings are recorded;
• Ensure that membership approved minutes are signed by the President or Vice-President.
• Receive all monies collected by the club;
• Ensure that a copy of the By-Laws is available at all General and Directors meetings.
• Submit books, vouchers and bank statements for all club accounts to the Audit
Committee within 30 days after Dec 31 (the end of the Club's fiscal year).
• Will make every attempt to maintain a balance of $1000.00 in the club account(s), as
operating costs. $500 for insurance deductible and $500 for incidentals.
Publications Chairperson
• Edit, arrange for printing, and distribute all club publications including show flyers;
prepare, arrange for printing and distribute all forms required for the operation of the
Club (eg. order forms, membership applications, show logs)
• Ensure that the Ontario Cavy Club webpage is maintained, is current and is online. Any
articles posted on the club webpage must be approved by the board.
• All costs for the webspace will be paid by the club.
• Show flyers will be supplied to the webpage chairperson by either the Publications
Chairperson or the Show Chairperson.
• Show results will be supplied to the Publications Chairperson by the Sweepstakes
• Ensure that these are posted online and that the membership is updated all social media for
the club when show flyers and results are posted.
Show Chairperson
• If possible be present at all shows.
• Confirm with judges their willingness to judge shows for which they have been selected.
• Appoint show secretaries for each show.
• Appoint Clerks and carriers for each show.
• When necessary find show locations in accordance with the bylaws.
• Arrange for show awards with in the budget set out by the board
The term of office shall be 2 years commencing January 1st of the year immediately following the
elections and ending December 31st two years later. Election of Board members will be held in odd
numbered years.
Eligible members may seek election to more than 1 position, however,
• They may hold only 1 position on the Board at any one time.
• If a person is elected to more than 1 position, he/she must choose which position they
wish to hold.
• The rejected position(s) will be filled by the person with the second highest number of votes
unless they have been elected to another position in which case the person with the 3rd
highest number of votes will assume office. If no 2nd, 3rd etc. person contested the
position, or, if the 2nd, 3rd etc. person chooses not to serve, the position will be filled
according to the terms of Sec. (9) of this By-Law. Eligible members assuming a Board
position by acclamation may not Run for any other position. In a case where 1 person
receives acclamation to more than 1 position, that person will choose which position he/she
wishes to hold and the rejected position(s) will be vacant and filled according to Sec (9) of
this By-Law.
• Nominations by any member (including Youth Members) for any or all Board positions will
be accepted by any member of the Nominations Committee. All nominations must be
received in writing no later than August 1st in the year elections are held. The Nominations
Committee will contact all eligible members nominated and obtain their decision whether to
stand or to reject the nominations for the position(s) to which they are nominated. The
Chairperson of the Nominations Committee or his/her appointee will inform the Board no later than September 1st of all eligible
members willing to stand, of positions filled by acclamation and of all positions where no
nominations were received or where no eligible member was willing to stand. Ballots will be
sent to eligible voting members. For details, see By-Law 4 - Conducting Club Business (Sec.
Appointment of members to the Board will occur under the following circumstances:
• failure of members to nominate an eligible member for a position
• refusal of nominated member(s) to stand for a position
• vacancies created under terms of Sec. (8c) and (8d) above
• death of an Officer or Director
• voluntary resignation of a Board Member
• automatic resignation of a Board member under Sec. (4) of this By-Law
• failure in an election to produce a winner (ie. tie vote)
• expiration of membership privileges under By-Law # 1, Sec. (5)
• revocation of membership under By-Law # 1, Sec. (4)
• If any position on the board becomes vacant for any reason. It is advertised to the general
membership with a reasonable time to respond. The replacement board
member will be voted on at a General or Annual membership meeting at the discretion of the
Board, or by electronic vote, at the discretion of the Board. Another Board member will assume these duties until the vote of the membership is
• If all five Board seats become vacant, they will be filled by a special meeting called by
the Membership.
Interim Officers/Directors
• If no eligible member(s) is found or if no eligible member(s) are approved, or if no eligible
member who is approved is willing to take the position, the position will be filled by another
member of the Board for the balance of the term. This person must be approved by the
• The approved member will not only perform the duties of the member being replaced, but
also the duties associated with his/her own position. The approved Board Member will be
designated as Interim President, Interim publications Chairperson, Interim Secretary
Treasurer etc..
• Interim Officers/Directors are entitled to only 1 vote on the Board.
(1) Any number of Committees may be established by the Board.
Any Adult Member, any Life Member 18 years of age or older, or any person in a Family
Membership 18 years of age or over is eligible to be appointed a Committee Chairperson as long
as they have been a member of the Ontario Cavy Club Inc. for at least 2 years and are paid up
members as at their date of appointment.
Exceptions are:
a) Chairperson of the Audit Committee must be a member in good standing but cannot be the
Secretary Treasurer.
b) Chairperson of the Nominations Committee must be a member of the Board of Directors
c) Chairperson of the Standards Committee must be a judge licensed by OCC, DR&CBA or ARBA. Nominations for Standards Chairperson will be accepted at the Annual General Meeting. The Board will vote wthin two weeks of that meeting to select the Standards Chairperson. The successful Chairperson will be notified by email.
(3) Nominations for Chairpersons will be made by and approved by the Board. If the Chairperson of
a Committee is not a member of the Board, he/she may attend Board meetings on Presidential
invitation in a non-voting capacity. Chairpersons will have a vote at their Committee meetings.
Any Life Member 18 years of age or older or any person in a Family Membership 18 years of age or
over, may be a member of any Committee if approved by the Board. Further
any Youth member age 14 to 18 may sit on any one committee but not more than one without the approv
al of the Board. These members will sit and participate with voice but no vote.
(5) All Committees are recommended to have minimum of 4 members including the Chairperson and the
President. Every effort must be made by the Chairpersons
to have an eligible non-Director member serve on his/her Committee. Members of all
Committees must be approved by the Board. Eligible members may serve on more than 1
Committee if approved by the Board. Exception for the Standards Committee - all members must be a judge licensed by OCC, DR&CBA or ARBA or a member with over 5 years experience. The president is exempt from this requirement as the bylaws state that the president be a member of all committees. The Standards Chairperson must select their committee members (judges and members with at least 5 years experience) by December 31. These must be submitted to the board for final committee approval.
(6) Any exceptions to the provisions of sections (4) or (5) above must be approved by the Board.
(a) Standards Committee: The Chairperson of this Committee will be appointed in the 4th
calendar quarter of odd numbered years. The Chairperson and his/her Committee shall hold
office for 2 years commencing January 1st of the year after the appointment of the
Chairperson and ending 2 years hence on December31st. All 4 coat types recognized in the
Standard of Perfection must be represented on the Committee by a member who is raising
that coat type.
(b) Audit Committee: Audit committee can be one to 4 persons. The Chairperson of this Committee will be appointed in the 4th
calendar quarter of each year. This Committee is responsible for auditing the records,
statements etc. turned over by the Secretary Treasurer. The Audit Committee is
responsible to present a report of the condition of the books at the Annual General
(c) By-Law Revision Committee: The Chairperson of this Committee will be appointed in the
4th calendar quarter of odd numbered years. The Chairperson and his/her Committee shall
hold office for 2 years commencing January 1st of the year after the appointment of the
Chairperson and ending 2 years hence on December31st. This Committee will receive and
make recommendations for changes, additions, and/or deletions to the Ontario Cavy Club
By-Laws and Constitution. The Chairperson is responsible to ensure that the provisions
outlined in By-Law # 10 are adhered to.
(d) Annual Club Convention Committee: The Chairperson for the following year’s
Convention Committee will be appointed each year at the club’s annual year's convention.
He/she will be responsible for all aspects of the Annual Convention except for the
selection of judges. Sub Committees (if deemed necessary by the Chairperson) can be
established by the Chairperson.
(e) Nominations Committee: This Committee will be appointed in the 4th Calendar quarter in
the year prior to when Board elections are scheduled. The duties of this Committee are
outlined in By-law No. 2.
(1) The business of this Club will be conducted by the Board, by the membership at the general
meetings or by ballot where required. All issues at General, Directors or Committee Meetings will
be decided by a simple majority.
(2) The President only has a vote in case of a tie at all meetings (Board and General) and at all Committee Meetings.
(3) All business will be decided by a simple majority vote of the Board of Directors (if a Board
meeting) or by a simple majority vote of the members (if a general meeting) in attendance at the
meeting when the issue is put to a vote. A tie vote is considered a defeated motion.
(4) All issues to be decided must be motioned by and seconded by a Director (if a Board meeting) or
by a member (if a general meeting). Only paid-up members with voting privileges of the Ontario
Cavy Club are permitted to make, second and vote at any club meeting.
(5) If any member(s) can not attend a meeting, they may give their proxy to another member to be
exercised at the meeting. This proxy must be in writing and approved by the board, and be presented by the recipient at the
meeting before it is exercised. Otherwise they are declared absent. Missing three consecutive committee meetings will mean that the member has resigned from that committee.
(6) General meetings will be held quarterly with 1 in each calendar quarter. There must be a minimum of 3 general meetings in each calendar year. The Annual General Meeting will be held in the month of October, November or December
(7) Board meetings will be held at times agreed upon by a majority of Board members.
(8) The Board and any Committee may decide business matters by phone, mail, or electronic
methods (eg. Email, fax etc.). In such instances, all Board members must be polled and the
Secretary Treasurer is responsible to record all such decisions for signature of the President or VicePresident. If any meetings are conducted by phone, the phone bill will be paid by the Club. If a
meeting is conducted electronically, an acknowledgement of receipt of the ballot is required.
(a) General meetings - 6 eligible voting members
(b) Director meetings - 3 Board Members
(c) Committee meetings - 2 members plus the Chairperson
(d) Directors and Committee meetings by phone, mail, electronic methods - at least 3
members must reply
(10) COMMITTEE MEETINGS: All Committees (with exception of the Nominations Committee)
must hold at least 1 meeting a year. All minutes of the meetings held must be turned over to the
Secretary Treasurer for presentation to the Board. Notice of Committee meetings must be given by
the Chairperson at least 10 days prior to the meeting date.
Section 1
(a) The Publications Chairperson will send to all eligible members’ ballots for Board elections,
proposed Standards changes, proposed By-Law changes, and preferred judges. Ballots are
to be postmarked no later than September 30th and are to be printed on coloured papers.
Each ballot is to be initialled by a Board member.
(b) Adult members receive 1 ballot, Life members 18 years of age or older receive 1 ballot
and Family memberships receive 2 ballots.
(c) Memberships must be up to date as of September 1.
(d) The Board will appoint a scrutineer to receive the ballots. This person must not be
contesting any issue on the ballot (eg Board position, preferred judge candidate).
(e) To be counted, ballots must be received by the scrutineer no later than October 31st.
(f) The scrutineer will tally the results and notify the President, Secretary Treasurer and
Publications Chairperson of the results.
(g) The scrutineer will hold all ballots received until instructed by the Board to destroy them.
Section 2
(a) Electronic voting. To be implemented when fully tested and board authorizes it.
(a) Call to order
(b) Welcome to new members and visitors
(c) Minutes of meetings
(d) Report of the Secretary Treasurer
(e) Reports of other Board Members
(f) Reports of Committees
(g) Correspondence
(h) Old Business
(i) New Business
(j) Good and welfare
(k) Adjournment
(1) The Ontario Cavy Club Standard of Perfection is open for revision in even numbered years.
Approved revisions become effective on January 1st of the year following approval. An exception
exists when qualifying members vote on the addition of a new breed or variety to the Standard. In
this case, the new breed or variety will be added to the standard on January 1st of the year
following approval.
(a) Any members requesting that consideration be given to a change to the Standard must
submit his/her proposal to a member of the Standards Committee. All proposals must be
received in writing or by electronic methods no later than August 1st in the year that
revisions are considered.
(b) The Standards Committee will confer prior to mailing of the official ballot to eligible
voters to discuss proposals received from the membership and to formulate
recommendations of their own.
(c) The Chairperson of the Standards Committee or his/her appointee will inform the President,
Secretary Treasurer and Publications Chairperson prior to the mailing of the official ballot of all
Committee approved recommendations for revisions to the Standard.
(d) Ballots will be sent to all eligible voting members for the proposed revisions. See ByLaw 4, Sec. (11) for details.
Class 2 (a) This is the entry level to show competition for unstandardized breeds and varieties. (b) Additions to Class 2 Rare Varieties must be approved by the Standards Committee prior to competing. (c) The member(s) proposing the new breed or variety must provide a working standard acceptable to the Standards Committee Chairperson or his/her delegate. (d) New breeds and varieties must compete as a Class 2 Rare Variety for at least 2 years after acceptance.
Class 1 (a) Any member wishing that consideration be given to having a breed or variety elevated
from Class 2 to Class 1 must submit a proposed Standard to the Standards Committee
(b) The Standards Committee must meet within 60 days after receipt of the proposed standard to
discuss the proposal. The member has the right to be present at this meeting in a non voting
capacity. The member must submit at least 2 junior cavies, 2 intermediate cavies and 2
senior cavies of the proposed new breed (any variety/varieties) or new colour variety.
(c) If the proposed standard is accepted by the Committee, the new breed or variety will be
designated as a Class 1 Rare Variety.
(d) At least five entries of the new breed or variety must then be shown at each of 3 shows of the
Ontario Cavy Club during the 12-month period following acceptance. The presenter is to inform
the Standards Committee chairperson and Show Chairperson of the shows they
will have the entries at at least 21 days prior to the show. After this requirement is met, the
Standards Committee will meet within 60 days to decide if the quality of the new breed or
variety is such that acceptance be recommended to the membership.
(e) Should a new breed or variety not meet the requirement of Sec. (d) of this By-Law, due to
extenuating circumstances (eg. Sickness), the member who requested that the new breed or
variety be accepted into the Standard of Perfection may appeal to the Standards Committee.
The appeal is to include the reason(s) why the requirement was not met. Upon receipt, the
Committee must meet within 60 days to discuss the appeal. Acceptance or rejection will be
decided by majority vote of the Committee. If the appeal is accepted, the Committee will
either request a private showing of the breed or request that the breed is shown at 1 more
show. After this request has been met, the Standards Committee will
decide within 60 days if the quality of the new breed is such that acceptance will be
recommended to the membership. If the appeal is denied, the new breed or variety must be
shown at another 3 consecutive shows.
If the
Standards Committee does not feel that sufficient progress has been made to recommend that a new
breed or variety be accepted as standard, they may:
(a) recommend that the new breed or variety remain as a Class 1 Rare Variety for another 2
showings after which the new breed or variety will again be reviewed by the Committee or
(b) Recommend that the new breed or variety be returned to the Class 2 Rare Variety group
thus requiring that the new breed or variety restart the whole procedure.
(a) If the Standards Committee votes to recommend acceptance of the new breed or variety, it
will prepare the final standard and the Chairperson of the Standards Committee or his/her
appointee will inform the President, Secretary Treasurer and Publications Chairperson of
the Committees recommendation of acceptance no later than September 15th.
(b) The Publications Chairperson shall send to all eligible voting members’ ballots for
acceptance/rejection of the new breed or variety no later than September 30th (see ByLaw 4 Sec. (11) for details).
If members fail to approve a recommended new breed or variety, the issue will be returned to the
Standards Committee who will:
(a) recommend that the new breed or variety remain as a Class 1 Rare Variety for another 2
showings after which the new breed or variety will again be reviewed by the Committee for
acceptance, or
(b) Recommend that the new breed or variety be returned to the Class 2 Rare Variety grouping
thus requiring that the new breed or variety restart the whole procedure.
(1) The Ontario Cavy Club will put on a minimum of 4 shows each year excluding the Annual
(a) The board will ensure that shows in Ontario are scheduled through all areas east
to west to allow opportunities for all members to participate. Additionally, shows using the OCC standard may be offered in other areas to encourage more participation in cavy events.
(2) All Ontario Cavy Club will be judged according to the latest official club Standard of
(3) Judges for all Ontario Cavy Club shows will be selected by the Board in accordance with the
provisions of By-Law # 7.
(4) Judges and their immediate family (defined as any relative living in the same household as the
judge) are prohibited from entering in the breed(s) that judge is evaluating but may enter in any other
breed(s). Rare Varieties, Sow & Litter, Boar & Son and Breeder's Herd classes also fall under this restriction. If a
cavy that is entered by a judge or by a member of his/her immediate family is involved in competition
which requires the service of that judge then that judge must disqualify him/herself, and, if necessary,
a substitute judge will be appointed by the Show Chairperson or his/her delegate.
(5) Cavies obtained from a judge may not be shown under that judge for a period of 30 days from
the date the animal(s) were acquired.
(6) All judging decisions will be made by the judge selected for the show (see exception covered in Sec. (4)
above). When the Board selects 2 judges for a show, they will name a senior judge who will select the
wining cavies for all general specials. When the Show Committee adds a judge at a show, the judge
originally hired will the winners of general specials. At the Annual Convention, exhibitors will be given a
ballot at check-in and the judge for general specials
will be chosen by ballot. The Show Chairperson will appoint a scrutineer to count the ballots.
(7) JUDGING BEST IN SHOW: The best of each breed (excluding Rare Varieties, Sow & Litter,
Boar & Son, Breeder's Herd) will be brought before the judge(s).
(8) JUDGING RESERVE IN SHOW: After Best In Show has been selected from the best of each
breed; the reserve of the breed that won Best In Show will compete with the best of breed animal
which was runner up to the Best Cavy.
(9) JUDGING BEST OF BREED AND RESERVE OF BREED: When judging best of breed,
the Judge must consider all varieties and classes but reserves the right to decide whether or not to bring
the cavy back up to the table. When judging reserve of breed, the reserve of variety of the colour which
won best of breed will compete with the remaining best of varieties. Only after the best of breed and
reserve of breed have been selected shall the judge choose best senior, best intermediate, best junior of
(10) JUDGING BEST OF VARIETY AND RESERVE OF VARIETY: When judging best of variety
the judge shall consider all classes, but reserves the right to decide whether or not to bring the cavy
back up to the table. The Judge will consider the 1st place animal in each age and sex class. When
judging reserve of variety, the judge shall consider the 1st place animal in the remaining 5 classes plus
the 2nd place animal in the class which won best.
(11) YOUTH EXHIBITOR: Youth awards are open to any person under the age of 16
(12) NOVICE EXHIBITOR: All first time Ontario Cavy Club show exhibitors will be given a
"Welcome to An Ontario Cavy Club Show" commemorative.
Exhibitors will earmark and coop their own animals. For a cooped show, animals not in the designated
cages become the responsibility of the exhibitor who will ensure that they are brought to and removed
from the table. Carriers will be provided at cooped shows.
(13) Cavies may not be uncooped until all judging is finished unless permission is obtained from the
Show Chairperson or his/her appointee.
(14) LONG HAIRED / CURLY COATED BREEDS: Breeders may groom their own animals. These
cavies can be presented on stands that are supplied by the breeder. Stands must be uniform in size (16" x
16" x 4") and made of plain wood covered with natural coloured burlap.
(16) Exhibitors must not
interfere with judge(s), clerks or carriers or harass them in any way on penalty of having their entire
entry eliminated without refund of entry fee. The decision to eliminate the entry of any guilty party rests
with the judge(s) or Show Chairperson.
(17) Exhibitors have the right to contest any decision of a judge which involves an elimination,
disqualification or alleged violation of a show rule or regulation. The exhibitor shall lodge the protest
with the Show Chairperson or his/her appointee as soon as possible after the alleged violation occurs.
The Show Chairperson or his/her appointee will then discuss the protest with the judge involved. If
the judge agrees that there is merit in the protest, the classes will be rejudged. If the judge rejects the
protest, his/her decision will stand and the exhibitor will have no further recourse. All protests will be
reviewed by the Board within 30 days to see if any further action is warranted. All other decisions of
the judge(s) are final.
(18) The Show Chairperson and his/her appointee(s) are responsible for ensuring that these rules and
regulations are followed.
(1) Judges will be established for club shows, including the Annual Convention Show, by the Board.
(2) The Board will use the list of preferred judges established by the membership as a guideline when
selecting/approving judges. The show chair, with prior approval of the board, may also select judges qualified under ARBA, Dominion, or other recognized cavy clubs to judge an OCC show.
(a) A list of candidates for judging assignments will be established by the Board by
September 30th each year.
(b) To be included on the preferred judges list, see Bylaw #12
(c) Preferred Judge Ballots will be sent out by the Publications Chairperson no later than
September 30th yearly. See By-Law #4 Sec (11) for details.
(d) Eligible members will be asked to vote for no more than 10 candidates. The member will mark a
"1" by their first choice, a "2" by their second choice, a "3" by their third choice etc. The
number "1" choice will receive 10 points, the number "2" choice will receive 9 points, the
number "3" choice 8 points etc. If the member votes for less than 10 candidates, the points
awarded to the candidates will be reduced as follows:
-if the member voted for 1, that person receives 1 point
-if the member voted for 2, the first choice receives 2 points, the second choice receives 1 point
-if the member voted for 3, the first choice receives 3 points, the second choice receives 2 points
and the third choice receives 1 point -etc.
(a) (i)Each year the following 2 membership awards will be presented:
- Member of the Year
- Youth of the Year
(ii)Bi-Yearly, in years when Board elections are held, nominations may be submitted in writing
to the Secretary Treasurer by August 1st for entry of a member to the Ontario Cavy Club Hall of
Fame. All nominations must be signed. There will be a maximum of 1 new Hall of Fame
member every 2 years but it is not compulsory to add a new member every 2 years. The Board
must approve all nominations prior to balloting. Ballots will be sent out by the Publication
Chairperson no later than September 30th (see By-Law 4 Sec
11) for details. The inductee will receive a plaque and a life membership.
(b) Member of the Year is open to any adult member, and Life Member (18 years of age or older)
any adult person in a family membership in good standing. However, any person who is a
Board member can not be nominated for this award. This award will be presented to a member
who has contributed significantly to both the Ontario Cavy Club and to the cavy fancy in
Nominations for MEMBER OF THE YEAR for any member in good standing in writing or
electronically to the Secretary Treasurer by August 1.
These nominations will appear on the Judges Ballot to be voted on by the members. Members
may vote for 1 person. In the event of a tie, Board of Directors will make the deciding vote.
Award will be presented at the Annual Convention
(c) Youth of the Year is open to any member under the age of 18. This award will be presented
to a youth who has contributed significantly to both the Ontario Cavy Club and to the cavy
fancy in general.
(d) Nominations for YOUTH OF THE YEAR will be made by the Board at the AGM meeting. Nominees will be selected on the basis of various characteristics such as
sportsmanship, willingness to assist at shows, integrity, condition and cleanliness of their
animals, and handling and attitude towards cavies. Selection of Youth of the Year will be made
by the Board.
(e) Winners of the membership awards will be announced at the Annual Convention banquet not at
the time of voting. An award at the discretion of the Board will be presented to the Youth and Member of
the Year. An award (eg. rosette, pin etc.) as determined by the Board will be presented to all
youth making significant contributions to the club.
(a) The Ontario Cavy Club sponsors a Sweepstakes to:
- create a spirit of competition
- encourage participation at shows
- encourage fanciers to improve the quality of their stock
- provide a service to all participating members
(b) Any member participating at Ontario Cavy Club shows will be automatically entered in the
Sweepstakes contest. Members not wishing to participate should notify the Sweepstakes
Recorder accordingly.
(c) The Sweepstakes contest will run each year from January 1st to December 31st. All Shows
will be counted.
(d) Each year the Board of Directors will appoint a club member to act as official Sweepstakes
Recorder. Compilation of points will be from the official show reports. These reports will
by filed within 15 days after the show.
(e) All points accumulated by cavies in the Sweepstakes contest will be counted by the
recorder for each award.
(f) Sweepstakes Point Schedule:
Best in Show 25
Reserve in
Show 20
Best of Breed 25
Reserve of Breed 20
Best Sr. of Breed 15
Best Int. of Breed 15
Best Jr. of Breed 15
Best of Variety 10
Place award 6
2nd Place
award 4
3rd Place award 2
This schedule of points is valid only for shows with 50 or more paid entries.
(g) Breed Championship Awards: A maximum of 6 cavies per breed per exhibitor for any 1 show
may be counted. The recorder will choose the animals with the highest number accumulated
points in each breed in each show when compiling results for this award. Additional points
allotted to Best of Breed and Reserve of Breed to be as follows: over 30 competing, 30 points;
29-25 competing, 25 points; 24-20 competing, 20 points; 19-15 competing, 15 points; 14-10
competing, 10 points; 9-5
competing, 5 points; less than 5, 0 points.
The number competing includes disqualifications and eliminations, but does not include
scratches. This should eliminate the situation where a single exhibit in a breed earns the same
number of points as an exhibit defeating a large number. As an example, Best of Breed taking a
class of 36 competitors would receive 1st 6 points, BOV 10, Best of Age 15, Best of Breed 25
+ 30 for a total of 86 points.
(h) Rare Variety Championship Awards: A maximum of 6 cavies entered as Rare Varieties per
exhibitor for any 1 show may be counted. The recorder will choose the 6 animals with the
highest number of accumulated points when compiling results for this award.
(i) Sow & Litter Championship Awards: A maximum of 3 Sow & Litter entries can be counted
for each class (ie. Smooth, Rough, Long Haired, Curly Haired). Points will be awarded as
Best in Show Sow & Litter 25 Reserve in
Show Sow & Litter 20 Best of Each Sow
& Litter Class 6
Reserve in Each Sow & Litter Class 4
3rd Place in Each Sow & Litter Class 2
(j) Boar & Son Championship Awards: A maximum of 3 Boar & Son entries can be counted for
each class (ie. Smooth, Rough, Long Haired, Curly Haired). Points will be awarded as
Best in Show Boar & Son 25 Reserve in Show
Boar & Son 20 Best of Each Boar & Son Class 6
Reserve in Each Boar & Son Class 4 3rd Place in
Each Boar & Son Class 2
(k)Breeder"s Herd Championship Awards: A maximum of 3 Breeders Herd entries can be counted for each class (ie. Smooth, Rough, Long Haired, Curly Haired). Points will be awarded as follows: Best in Show Breeders Herd 25, Reserve in Show Breeders Herd 20, Best of Each Breeders Herd Class 6, Reserve in Each Breeders Herd Class 4, 3rd Place in Each Breeders Herd Class 2
l) It will be the responsibility of the recorder to order certificates/tokens of their choosing. The budget will be agreed upon by the Board of Directors advised by the Secretary Treasurer. Awards will be presented at the Annual Convention.
(m) Up to date report of the sweeps standings containing the top 5 exhibitors in each breed will appear in the Cavy Commentary 2 times per year. The final year end results are presented at the Annual Convention.
(1) Dissolution can occur only if the Board agrees. In addition, members must approve of the
dissolution. A ballot must be sent to every member giving them at least 60 days to return the ballot
to the Secretary Treasurer.
(2) If the membership does not ratify the dissolution, a new Board will be elected. This election will occur
at the next General meeting. Members must be given 30 days to make nominations and 30 days notice of
the meeting date will be given to members along with a list of nominees for the various positions. The new
Board will take office immediately after the election.
(3) If no Board members are elected, or, if the membership approves dissolution, the proceeds from
the sale of all club assets and any remaining cash will be turned over to the Department at the
University of Guelph that deals with cavies and cavy diseases. If at least 1 Director but less than
enough for a quorum is (are) elected, the quorum regulation will be eliminated so that the club can
(1) Except for the provisions of section (6) of this By-Law, the Constitution and/or by-laws are only
open for revision in the years when there is no Board elections.
(2) Members are encouraged to submit recommendations for changes, additions, and/or deletions to the
By-Laws Revision Committee prior to July 1st in the years that the By-Laws and Constitution are open
to revision.
(3) The By-Law Committee will meet prior to or at the summer meeting of the year when
revisions are allowed to discuss changes suggested by the membership and to formulate
recommendations of their own.
(4) The By-Laws Revision Committee will present their approved recommendations to the Board prior
to September 1st. The Board shall approve, amend, or reject the recommendations.
(5) MEMBERSHIP BALLOTING: The Publications Chairperson shall send to all eligible voting
members ballots listing the recommended changes. These ballots are to be postmarked no later than
September 30th (see By-Law 4 Sec. (11) for details)
(6) All membership approved revisions will become effective on January 1st following the
(7) INTERIM BY-LAW CHANGES: From time to time it may be of benefit to the Club to amend
the By-Laws at a time other than in the years when there is no Board election. Only the By-Laws can
be amended in this manner. The procedures are as follows: (a) The proposed change(s) will be approved by the Bylaws Committee Chairperson and
presented by him/her to the entire Board of Directors. (b) The proposed change(s) must be approved by the Board. (c) The membership must be notified of the proposed change(s) in writing at least 30 days prior
to the general meeting at which the proposed change(s) is to be voted on. (d) The change must be approved by eligible voting members in attendance at the meeting where
the change(s) are voted on. (e) The change(s) becomes effective immediately on approval.
(1) The Ontario Cavy Club shall hold an Annual Convention in the Spring of each year.
(2) The Purpose of this Convention is to promote the advancement of the cavy fancy through
fellowship and friendly competition, as well as to provide a meeting place for the members of the
Ontario Cavy Club.
(3) The Convention shall include a General Membership meeting, the cavy show, and a banquet
following the show.
(4) All attempts shall be made to schedule the Annual Convention for the third weekend in April unless
such dates conflict with other major cavy shows in North America (ie: ACBA Specialty show.)
(5) Any member interested in chairing the Convention Committee shall submit a proposal to the Board
of Directors by the Convention of the year prior to their proposed Convention.
(6) The Chairperson of the Convention Committee must be a voting member in good standing with the
OCC, and have been so for at least 2 year s prior to submitting their proposal.
(7) Proposals for hosting an Ontario Cavy Club shall include the following:
- Location of Convention
- Dates of Convention
- Names of proposed members of Convention Committee
- Approximate costs of location of Convention
(8) The Board shall approve a proposal for the following years Convention at the current
(9) Once a proposal is approved, the Convention Chair shall submit regular progress reports to the
Board of Directors and to the General Membership at scheduled meetings.
(10) The final financial report for all aspects of the Convention is to be submitted to the Board within 30
calendar days of the end of the Convention. All bills to be paid and incoming checks to be deposited and
cleared by that time.
(11) Convention judges shall be approved by the Board
(12)At least 1 accepting Judge is prohibited from entering show to ensure there is 1 Judge to complete Best in Sho
w Judging duties. Convention Chairperson is to ensure compliance. If a Judge does enter, they must have arrange
ments to have someone else present/care for their entries during their work time.
(13) Best in Show, Reserve in Show, Sub - Reserve in Show, Best by Youth and Reserve by
Youth. Shall be Judged by a Judge chosen by the exhibitor’s ballot if needed. Balloting necessity to be
determined by Convention Chairperson.
(14) The Convention Committee is responsible for the running of the Annual Convention. The
Convention Chairperson is responsible for overseeing all aspects of the Convention.
(15) Every attempt will be made to see that Convention moves across Ontario just as meeting
locations do.
(a) Party interested in becoming an OCC judge must first inform the OCC board of directors in writing
of their intention to go for their license. Upon approval of a simple majority of the board, they may start
the process.
(b) The candidate must be a member in good standing of the OCC for a minimum of three years;
actively raising cavies
(c) The candidate must clerk at six shows consisting of a minimum of half the show.
(d) The candidate must show secretary three shows.
(e) The candidate must judge two club challenge shows and/or donate judging at fundraiser shows
with a minimum of 20 cavies judged and with the mentorship/guidance of a licensed judge.
(f) The candidate must apprentice successfully at six shows under four different judges with a
minimum entry of 40 animals. They must inform the show secretary of intent to apprentice at a show
one week BEFORE the show so the judge can be approached and given the proper paper work to
grade the apprentice. This form will be created by the board and provided to the judge before the
show, filled out and given back to the show secretary at the completion of the show. The forms are
returned to the secretary-treasurer who retains these forms and tracks the requisites.
(g) After completing these requirements an exam must be written on the OCC standard consisting of 50
questions randomly selected from a pool of 75 questions created by the Standards Committee. The
candidate must achieve a minimum grade of 75% to pass. The exam questions will be revised every five
years by the Standards Committee. The exam is administered by show chairperson or their delegate and
returned to the show chairperson for grading. The test will be closed book with no time limit
(h)Any person wishing a license to judge under the OCC must complete the requirements set out in bylaw 12 to become a judge
. Judges currently on our list of approved judges shall remain. All Judges on the list must be members of the club. Any person 14 years of age may apply to become a judge. However, may not write the test till the age of 18.